Fiona Gill

My name is Fiona Gill and I am an academic in Sociology in the School of Social and Political Sciences.  I have also served as Branch Secretary since 2021, and have been a member of the NTEU since starting at Sydney University 17 years ago. 

My decision to stand as Branch Secretary last year, and again now, is driven by my personal experiences of the support and protection offered members by the union.  Through my involvement in the cases committee, as both one needing assistance and one providing support, it became increasingly clear that it is only by standing together that we can protect and improve the working conditions of members.

I believe that the union currently has two significant roles.  The first is engaging in the current hard-fought bargaining round, to improving the working conditions of all of our members through the negotiation of a strong and industry-leading EBA.  I am committed to doing this through supporting out Bargaining Team, and in working with my fellow Branch Committee members to achieve collaborative, respectful outcomes for our members.

The second is an ongoing, more prosaic, role in improving and protecting the working conditions and rights of all of our members, regardless of political persuasion or belief.  This is the role which, once bargaining has concluded, remains the primary role of the Branch, and represents the bread and butter business of the union.  I am committed to assisting in providing support to members at times when they are most vulnerable and making sure that we have a robust system in place in the form of our Cases Committee to provide this ongoing assistance to members.

My vision of our branch is one of unity, where all of our members feel heard and supported.  Where we are all working towards an improvement of working conditions, a workplace where all members can thrive.  My understanding of the role of Branch Committee is that it is cyclical and that while we are currently engaged in negotiations critical to securing our working conditions, the committee is responsible for representing and leading the branch in times between negotiations, when our members need support, leadership and engagement.  I look forward to participating in both types of role if I am elected as your branch secretary.


Peter Chen


John Buchanan